How laser cutting is changing the manufacturing world is hardly surprising. Lasers cut materials to precise shapes with minimal waste or scaring. Once the product is complete, it’s easy to send the piece back for another round of cutting, so there’s no need to set up an expensive silo just for storage. It’s certainly worth investigating if your business could benefit from this technology. For example, a workshop may use the ability to precisely carve individual boards into the right shape and size or cut out veneers for walls and other surfaces.
If you haven’t seen any application yet, several common applications make laser’s a good match for machinery in use today. First, it cuts material with very little heat, making it ideal for many applications where access to power and water is a problem (such as with electronics). Additionally, it has a high density of particles, meaning that it doesn’t have as much waste as other types of machinery. Lastly, it cuts with very narrow angles, making it ideal for making intricate patterns on delicate materials.
How does all this work? The basic idea is this: lasers aren’t just meant to cut things. Instead, they change the material being cut so that the change alters the material’s physical properties at the molecular level. This is in addition to the ability to vary the depth of the cut, so the material can be used that might otherwise be feasible. By changing how the material is cut, the entire manufacturing process can be changed for the better, which means lower costs and less waste.
One common application of laser cutting involves the use of aluminum foil. Foil is often coated with an epoxy resin, which then gives it a smooth, non-reflective surface. When a laser cuts through it, the edges of the foil reflect the laser light, so the product is refilled with resins that have an identical thickness as the original foil. Because it’s still clear that the product is aluminum, there isn’t a need to worry about seeing through the foil or having any degradation of the material.
How is this done in other industries? In addition to aluminum foil, engineers also use the technology to create items like fiberglass and melamine. Fiberglass is becoming more popular for creating helmets and snowboard helmets because of its lightweight properties. Melamine is often used for building walls and other solid structures because it has excellent thermal qualities. Both of these materials can be created using traditional methods but using the newest technology that makes laser cutting possible; the possibilities become almost endless.
How does this impact the consumer? With new applications cropping up every year, there’s no doubt that this technology will continue to change the way we do business in years to come. Today, we’ve seen appliances like flat-screen televisions come to life thanks to this cutting-edge technology. Soon, it won’t be long before other appliances can take advantage of it as well. The future truly is now for this type of technology.
While the military and various industries are seeing this latest innovation in action, you might wonder how this is changing the way you do your shopping. You may think that this is absurd, but the fact of the matter is that laser-cut material has the potential to cut right through anything. Whether it’s aluminum cardboard or whatever else you can imagine, it can be created to the exact dimensions you need. This means that you’ll be able to shop in comfort, knowing that you won’t be getting some cheap material stitched into place on your order.
If you don’t believe us, try a few products from around your home. Many companies use high-end materials to make certain pieces or items in their line. If you have any questions about how laser cutting is changing the manufacturing industry, speak with someone who can explain the process.