- Cleanweb Worldwide Welcomes Sunil Paul, Danny Kennedy, David Fenton and Jonathan Koomey to its Advisory Board
- Cleanweb Hackathon: Weekend-Long Competition Brings Cleantech to the Masses with New Web Applications Optimizing Resource Use
- Econofy, an App That Helps Online Shoppers Find Energy Efficient Appliances, Wins Best Overall and Audience Favorite App at the Cleanweb Hackathon
- Hacking solutions to the world’s resource problem
GigaOm - Cleanweb Hackathon: Competition Brings Cleantech Apps to NYC
GreentechMedia - The Cleanweb Takes Off
Huffington Post - Cleanweb NYC Hackathon: Top 3 Unsung Winners
Cleantech Insights - Cleanweb Hackathon NYC: Winning App Helps Shoppers Find Efficient Appliances
Ecopreneurist - Cleanweb Hackathon Winner is…
Cleantechnica - Cleanweb Hackathon Focuses on Killer Apps Built in a Day… or Two
The Green Skeptic
- Building a Strong, Lasting Economy With Energy Innovation
Aneesh Chopra, - The Green Button
Fred Wilson - How I learned to stop worrying and love clean web
Micah Kotch, NYU Entrepreneur’s Network - NYC Cleanweb Hackathon: Crowdsourcing Killer Energy Apps
Tendril - Cleanweb: After the Hack
Genability - Join us at Cleanweb Hackathon NYC this weekend
Brighter Planet - Moving Beyond Green: The rainbow within CSR
CSRHUB - Energy Innovation at Cleanwebhack
3scale - Cleanweb Hackathon NYC
AMEE - Developers Make a Difference at CleanWeb Hackathon