Investing in an office space can be a huge deal for a tech startup. Most startups rent but there does come a time where rent might be seen as a poor investment. A number of these companies do this simply to keep cash flow healthy or they simply does not have enough capital. Purchasing an office space that needs some minor work will allow the business to put money into the space. Certain areas like that of plumbing shouldn’t be compromised on as redoing the pipework in a building can incur massive costs. Below are some tips to help make your tech startup’s office look great on a budget.
Bathrooms/Locker Rooms Matters
Perks are what staff look for when debating between offers from competing companies. Locker rooms and an office gym are top priority for many besides free daily lunches. If you have purchased an office building with a gym space and locker rooms you need to revamp it. Taking a look at sink and shower refinishing companies can be a great option. You can make a bathroom or locker room look like it has been newly renovated. Refinishing companies can even help with floors if you feel like the tile is dated.
A Coat of Paint Works Wonders
Painting the office can be a project that staff can take on or hiring a professional is an option. Hiring professionals might actually be cheaper as having someone like a web developer painting for $100 an hour simply isn’t good usage of budget. Even if staff paints for 10 minutes a day the entire office can be painted in a matter of weeks. You want to make sure that the paint is of the highest quality so it does not chip in the near future.
Take on One Project Monthly
Taking on one project monthly can be important whether it is painting or redoing the floors. Creating a list of renovations or improvements to make then going down the list is important. Prioritizing certain areas is imperative but this will also depend on the budget. Project management systems are imperative for larger renovation projects to keep everyone involved informed and making the deadline for the project.
Open Seating Arrangements are Encouraged
The last thing anyone running a tech startup wants is staff to have poor morale. Cubicles have the reputation of being morale killers and even impacting collaboration negatively. Communication is done online for the most part but being able to see someone to ask them a question verbally can allow for a quick/clear answer.
Being realistic about your expectations when compared to your budget cannot be understated. If you expect to have an office campus like Google or Facebook on a tight budget, you are going to be unpleasantly surprised. Take your time with improvements and renovations as not everything has to be done at once. Most business is done online in today’s world so you won’t have to worry about disappointing clients when they visit the office when it is undergoing renovations.