
Easy Clean Belfast’s Tips for Deep Cleaning Your Office

Workplace cleanliness is of vital importance for everyone’s health, given the number of hours individuals spend at work. Offices are believed to be among the germiest and most chaotic workplaces due to the crowd of people using the kitchen, eating at their desks, and leaving a pile of documents behind. 

Although regular cleaning maintains overall cleanliness, every office is supposed to be deep cleaned at least once a year. Nowadays, there are numerous cleaning companies, such as Easy Clean Belfast, which provide both general and specialized cleaning services. 

Take a look at some professional deep cleaning tips for offices. 

Clear the area

In order to prepare an office for a deep clean, the workers are supposed to clear the area by pulling out all the desks, shelves, drawers, and other furniture. Once the furniture is moved away from the walls, every corner and surface can be cleaned properly, even the ones that are hardest to reach. There is plenty of dirt behind the furniture and kitchen appliances, which is usually overlooked in the course of regular cleaning sessions. 

Moreover, clearing the area is an excellent opportunity for office decluttering that starts by sorting your items. It’s the right time to decide which items are no longer necessary and which ones are essential to keep. The desk drawers are usually full of old documentation, notes, or snacks whose expiration date is no longer valid. Once you decide which items are worth keeping, make sure you assign them to logical places by considering the frequency of using them, as well as their accessibility. 

Another effective way of putting an end to the paperwork chaos is by using dividers and file cabinets to store the items. Also, hang-on hooks are a useful solution for workers to hang up their jackets since most of them usually hang them on their chairs, thus contributing to the office clutter. 

Clean the computer equipment

The computer equipment is known to be among the dirtiest objects in the office, particularly the keyboards. Since keyboards are used constantly, it’s incredibly easy for bacteria to spread over an underneath the keys. Additionally, most workers have a habit of eating lunch at their desks, hence filling up their keyboards with crumbs. 

Therefore, keyboards are the first object to be cleaned from the computer equipment in order to reduce the exposure to germs. It’s important for the keyboard to be unplugged or the laptop to be switched off prior to cleaning. Make sure you shake it in order for some of the debris to be removed but don’t forget to use compressed air to clean the keyboard more thoroughly. Go to this page to check out three effective methods of cleaning a keyboard. 

In order to eliminate the germs, you’re advised to clean the keys with alcohol, as well as wipe the keyboard surface with a disinfectant. The dust and smudges on the screen are also supposed to get cleaned by using a microfiber cloth. 

Don’t forget the office chairs

The office chairs are known to be the most used objects, as staff members sit on them throughout the day. By cleaning the upholstery, the chairs are going to look much nicer than before and more comfortable to sit on. Therefore, it’s important to find the upholstery label on your chairs, which clearly defines the cleaning instructions.

Furthermore, use your vacuum cleaner to eliminate the piled-up dust before you start cleaning the chairs’ fabric. In the case of water-safe fabrics, dish soap would be an effective cleaning agent. Conversely, fabrics that aren’t water-safe should be cleaned with alcohol. 

Clean the kitchen

Given that the kitchen is one of the busiest places in an office, it should also be part of the deep clean agenda. Start by emptying the fridge and disinfecting its inside, as leftovers often lead to mold growth. Continue by emptying the kitchen cabinets in order to wipe their inside and complete the cleaning by polishing the kitchen appliances. The following link,, includes some useful tips about deep cleaning kitchen cabinets. 

Bottom line

Make sure your office is germ-free by organizing a deep clean. 

It’s worth the time and trouble!