Hello from Palo Alto!
If you haven’t heard, Stanford’s Precourt Institute for Energy is hosting a #cleanweb #DataJam!
Here’s the basics:
What energy challenges are best served with data, and what data sets are available for these applications? Adam Rein of Mission Point Capital will outline the most promising opportunities from a VC’s perspective. Ian Kalin, Director of Open Data at Socrata and a former White House Presidential Innovation Fellow, will survey this administration’s mission to jump start data sharing initiatives and compile data sets. Carrie Armel will provide examples of the diverse ways in which Stanford’s ARPA-E funded initiative has utilized energy data, such as that from smart meters, to reduce energy consumption. Following the panel will be an opportunity to engage the speakers and other knowledgeable professionals in lively discussion and brainstorming.
We hope you can make it if you’re in the bay area! There’s a ton of knowledge sharing to be done and solutions to be created!
Happy Monday,